Sunday, August 2, 2009

KAM - "I still think grannie panies are KINDA sexy if thats wat ur wearing" :D

ahhh those rash words were from my new friend Jimmy (: met him the other day! ahahaha anywho, sry i havent been blogging lately :/ rly busy!! But hmm let's see, thursday nothing rly happened, friday i spent like all day with the guys (Matt, Mark, Jimmy, Scott, Nick, Max, and Sasquatch) ahh lemme telll u bought that day! It. Was. Amazing. (: lol ok so we, Matty, Marky, and Scotty, met at Lomas park and chilled and watched some ppl launch bottle rockets lol for a while then we went to Marky's house, we stayed there and played with his doggy Scooter for a while who btw is ginormous!!! lol then anyway Matt and Scott left to go pick up Jimmy! So me n Marky stayed and he took me on a tour of his house and we played piano in the red room for a while lol and talked shit bout Lance (: lol anyways they finally got back and we all chilled in the red room for like 2 hours, watched TV, played poker (i FINALLY learned how lol), played tag (:, and just layed there and talked haha then we all headed to Matt's house, where maz, alec, and Nick met us and played Spy Tag!! Awh, if youve nvr played, i MOS DEF receommend it!! :D lol it's just like paintball cept with nerf guns (: we added a twist too we played inside the house (its huge) with the lights off for added suspense lol awhhhh so that was much fun (: then we finished that and went and played tag hide-and-seek outside.....funny story, So apparently Matt's neighborhood has had ppl blow up theyre mailboxes and houses being robbed and stuff (which we had NO idea of) so when Nick was pulled by his shirt by a mangiant (hahaha) to mangiant's mailbox we were all scared shitless! lol guess he thought we were gunna wreck havoc (: lol nope, it was kinda funny wen a group of high school sophmores told his wife "no no no we're just playing hide-and-seek!" lol good times, then we were scared lol so went back to matt's and played little planet, big world :D that game was the shit!!!!!!! so cute (: lol Jimmy was pretty much beast at it ;) lol But awhhhh yeah that was a gooooood day (: so many new memories, and saw scotty!!! so i vote that day a 10 :D anyway, then on sunday i went to Jemez with mi familia and we just chilled there all day, took the dogs, my baby had a blast (: me n my bro went hiking and we all ate dinner together and went swimming in the stream, fun fun fun (: this weekend was amazing, absolutely amazing (: tomorrow ima be going to lunch then bowling with my stepdad then i am going to a movie and coffee with an oollld friend i havent seen in forevr so blog ya later!!! deuces!!! (: lol
-XOXO, kam ♥

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ashley- Back from my vaca


It was ok. I really didnt like the boat or the service compared to other cruises we've been on. Every place we stopped it was raining but it wasn't really that cold. I've decided my mom is effin insane. A day after we got back i called my dad(who lives in denver) to tell him I had got home safe and yada yada..... of course he asked how it went and i told him compared to others it sucked. Well turns out my mom had been eaavesdropping on my private convo. After talking to him i came downstairs and she was all "I HEARD YOU SAY THAT EVERYTHING SUCKED SO NEXT YEAR WE'LL JUST GO WITHOUT YOU!" i was pissed first of all that she would even listen in on my life so i was like "whatever mom" and i walked upstairs(to my room) and that was like 3 days ago and shes held this thing in her mind for that long. I of course didnt apoligize because i had done nothing wrong, she should kno better than to eavesdrop on convos she doesnt wanna hear. Im excited for soccer this coming week but nervous for tryouts! I'm supposed to be able to run 4 miles straight that 16 times around the track. I kno that i want this bad enough i can do it and i want it bad lets just hope noithings going on that week so i can focus(: i cant believe school starts in about three weeks im way beyond excited, this new block scheduale thing is gonna be wierd but hopefully in a good way. School is definitly my release, theirs plenty of hotties to flirt with and its awesome when you make new friends. I enjoy getting away from my mom and sister, this year it will only be my mom due to the fact that my sis will be in college!
OH! i almost forgot so in the past week i ihave burnt myself twice with my straightner lol. Pretty much sucks. This summer definitly didnt go as expected. i had planned on meeting a lot of new people and making new friends. didnt really get the chance in denver and on the cruise i only met two guys(my mom got it in her head that everyone on the ship wanted to kill me so i wasnt allowed anywhere). Hopefully next year will be better and this school year im setting new goals ill post when it gets closer. Latley been real sad about... idk really just randomly sad. but i have no idea how to fix it because idk the problem. pretty dumb... but thats it for now so later... Peace!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

KAM - ashley's home!!!!!!!!

yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Saturday, July 25, 2009

KAM - Finally!

Ok so obviously i havent been blogging, but there's a good resaon why. First of all, my life is boring without ashley lol so no fun stories (well that's a lie haha i have quite a few funny ones) and second, my internet was down for like 3 days ): pretty gay. Lol but anyways guess what!???? Ashley is comin home today!!!!!!!!!! :D im so excited!! prolly wont see her today, im super busy but she'll be home! (: "Cuz jersey just colder and i'll have you know im scared to death that evrything that you had said to me was just a lie until you left" i like to sing Mayday Parade (: oh! lol ok so yesterday i had an ortho appt. right? and my mom and i were driving home and we were like going down the street that lead to my house and this bird comes outta no where and my mom screams her head off (she loves animals (:) and kinda swerves lol it was so scary then we pulled into my house and kinda sat there for a while and lol she says "i think we hit it" lol the funny part was that dead and gone was playing on the radio that whole time.......ironical? (: lol good times. anyways im going to starbucks and a movie (transformers!!! im so excited lol) with a friend, alex so i gotta leave (: but i shall blog later! after the movie im chillin with the guys so i should have a fun story to tell (: lol so ttyl!
XOXO, kam ♥

Friday, July 17, 2009

KAM - hahaha ok

So i just talked to Matt and apparently Lance had NO idea that was me last night. I was right, he was high as hellllll lol no surprise. Anyways, yeah i guess after a left last night he went over to Mark's and started ranting about how good i looked and all that lol. Im sure he's realized what a dumbfuck he was to be a jerk and take complete advantage of me (: that's funny (: lol ima go tan now, so BYL! ♥

KAM - morning (:

10:46 am
Ok, so ash isnt blogging for some reason. Anywho, today is fridayyyyy! finally. And what's evn better, i dont have to go to school today! yessssss (: but i DO have to find something to eat, im starving! Hahaha ok so story time (: Last night, i was all chill and gettin rdy for bed right? Then my friend Matt calls me and was like "We're coming to pick u up, be outside ur house in 10 minutes." Thank god my mom was out playing pool with her friends last night, or I woulda been screwed lol but anyways.....Matt came, picked me up, we had a little sing along to Fire Burning lol then we went to Marky Mark's house, where my favorite boys Mark and Sasquatch were waiting! (: that was pretty fun. We just watched Tv, played games, and pranked ppl (: lol then around 1130 we decided to walk to the's the fun we went and me and Matt were swinging and Mark and Sasquatch were playing hide-n-seek on the jungle gym lol then two guys started walking towards us, one of them yelling "hey guys!! i thought you were goin to sleep??".......... *detour* I must say, i looked pretty damn good lol i was in a cute little denim mini, flipflops, a white tank, and a hollister sweater (: i looked gooooodddd lol anyways........Matt and Mark both froze and looked at each other, Sasquatch started laughing lol (: i love himmm. I couldn't tell who they were yet, Im blind and i didnt have my contacts in, plus it was way dark lol. The mystery man got closer and yelled "who's THAT???" looking towards me. He then yelled "Cuteeee!" Mystery man continued to get closer, by this time about 10 feet in front of me, when i finally realized who it was. You'll nvr guess, but it was Matt and Mark's best friend and my ex boyfriend, Lance Hinkle. (and another dear friend Matt Jackson) Oh MAN! you shouldve seen Lance's face expression once he realized it was me! :D oh god, i have nvr seen anything more funny in my life! it was great. Lol he saw me, and BOOM! his mouth dropped, and his eyes widened (prolly cuz he was high but watevr lol) hahahahahahahahahaha then he was like "Oh...........hey Kamerin." trying to look away lol it was funny. Then i decided to act all nice and happy to see him responding "Oh my god! Lance!! HI! How are you?! You look good!" (all without puking haha) hahahaha i think he believed i was happy to see him cuz he immediately relaxed, smiled and we had a nice little conversation (kinda) lol I guess, it WAS kinda good to see him but at the same time i wanted so bad to punch him in the face. Anyways, after that whole shenanigans, it was like almost 1 so we went back to Mark's house. Lance and Matt J left, you could tell Lance was pissed his bff's ditched him for his ex girlfriend tho lol which btw they've been doing for a while (: We got back, made a pizza, scarfed that and then i got tired so Matt took me home (: ahhh mannnn last night was sooo funny! I had a great time. AND! this time i wasnt forced to play strip rock-paper-scissors lol (: I haven't talked to the guys yet to see if they've talked to Lance today but i will later! (: I hope he's beating himself up right now lol anywho, im so so hungry so ima go find somethin to eat! I'll blog when i talk to guys or whenever i get a chance. TTYL! ♥

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

KAM - do u like my stupid hair? would u guess that i didnt kno what to wear? (:

I love blink-182! theyre my fav band, along with yellowcard (: lol ahh i hope it isnt too hot today. So far, just school and chillin for the day (: oh man! i love coffee. So last night i was sleeping right? and oh! im babysitting ashley's hamster MooMoo lol while she goes on her cruise so she's at my house now (: and anyways i wa sleeping, and my dog kiera like wants her so bad lol its funny cuz she'll sit there and stare at MooMoo forever lol last night i woke up and Kiera was staring at Moo of course lol and she was like scratching her cage but i waslike watevr she wont do anything, so i went back to sleep. 30 minutes later, i wake up and Moo's cage is half off her stand and Kiera is trying to get inside the cage. I was so pissed and kicked Kiera outta my room lol but i oculdnt helpit, i started laughing (: it was so funny when i woke up and yelled KIERA!! WAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING?! she just stopped and her paw was still on the cage, she looked at me and was like ohhhhh crapppp lol ahh good times (: but i gotta go do my her lol so blog later! XOXO, kam ♥